Monday 26 May 2008

It seems like an age...

Yet here I am. Life has been unpredictable and a bit of a whirlwind of change but I´ve made a huge decision. I am going to move to London. As soon as I fine that perfect job (and believe me, I´m looking!) then I will be there in the thick of it all. I miss the poetry, theatres, galleries, the people in random bars and the general buzz. I think I will see a whole new me emerging once I´m there. We all cocoon at times - it´s just recognising this fact and being able to do it well. What do you think? I intend to move there alone.


Darragh said...

I think it will be a great move for you. Surrounded by such art and inspiration and so many stories to be told, you'll be sure to enjoy it.

You may move there alone but you won't be alone. That's what friends are for.

Anonymous said...

I recognise a kindred spirit! I'm a frustrated writer/poet trying to get published (I have had some luck with individual poems, but not a collection, and not the novel yet - or the two non-fiction works I've been pitching for two years...!
Also recently had a split, and moved from Spain back to Ireland. I met Hannah when I did one of her workshops in Spain. Aside from missing the weather, food, the exuberence of the Spanish, the language, the move has been all good so far. ..and Spain's only a plane hop away... good luck with your move and getting published! Afric Hamilton